Nicolas Bougaïeff released his first EP on Trapez in November 2013 so expect him to have had plenty of time to sharpen his senses for this one.
One thing can be said beforehand, Nicolas Bougaïeff is not on planet earth to repeat himself, his " Pulsar Nite EP" is certainly not a duplicate of his "Decompress EP".
His first track "Ultra Spine" takes music from the "originators" from Detroit to another level by accepting a different sound to go with repetition and then making the repetition a more complex affair.
Nicolas Bougaïeff's music is also a result of the numerous possibilities of new technology around, which he obviously knows about as he is involved with software technology discussions worldwide through his Berlin based company Liine.
"Ultra Spine" starts quite Detroitish but then adds intervals of cinematic and epic sounds that you would not expect to emerge. So we are talking here also about a kind of cross over if you will that opens the lid for some gigantic sound architecture and that is more than just impressive… since it takes you to that mind blowing and cathartic level if you want.
"Pulse Train" captures that hi-energy-disco feeling of the 80ies with relentless arpegiators and counteracts it with an acoustic epic gigantism expressing amplitude from the birds-eye perspective... you will have to hear it. This track you then realize is a true cinematic force and when it is over you might fall into a deep emotional hole… so make sure to find the right follow up track to mix in... Nicolas Bougaïeff will not make it easy for you.