Marco Piangiamore known for his releases on Bush records, NB records and more has teamed up here with Irish producer RipKhord who is Dave Lievense from Psycatron. We have been listening to him since his release on R&S. So when Marco and Dave formed a project we knew something extraordinary would come out of that…
The first track "Assassin" is exactly this, a very lively and interactive form of techno... all changes come across by twisting knobs and preparing the next "blast". A track like "Assassin" reveals its inner self step by step and you are not always sure where all of this will lead you. On the other had you quickly get the impression that you can trust these guys with whatever they do. So be prepared for a roller coaster here, it is 100% worth it.
Second track in line is "Blastbomb". It starts with a super funky baseline and metallic sounding FX which makes a great blend of sounds right from the beginning, so we were hooked instantly. Then sounds join in which sound as if you were trying to pull up your broken zipper which got stuck. Sonic techno for a nervous system, not for the weak but great to loose yourself in!
"Falcon" a bird which is untamable, you can try to train it... you can be successful... on a scale of 1-10, you will never get further then 1! This track expresses its own will to the extreme and for all of you madmen and madwomen out there get a mouthful of this… it is totally wild… no rules!
Release date Beatport:
14. September 2015
Release date iTunes/Finetunes:
25. September 2015