Here comes the long awaited second part of the collaboration between Dominik Eulberg and Gabriel Ananda. The first part „Kirschplunder & Jasmin Tee bei Gabriel“ was recorded at Gabriel Ananda´s studio in Cologne. The follow up „Eucalypse Now!” was recorded at Dominik Eulberg´s studio „Ton“ in the Westerwald and carries all the influences Dominik takes in there. The first 12” ever with both of them teaming up on Traum was the „Harzer Roller” 12“ (Traum V70) in 2006. So now 3 years later you can witness two long epic and enthusiastic mixes on vinyl and an alternative mix on the digital side, which is more reduced and late night. The title track “Eucalypse Now!“ is a cool almost Latin flavoured groove track with cool synth stabs. An epic groover which has the finest up and downs... changes perspectives within it's 10 minute journey... always offering new dynamic impulses and changes in the harmonies... highlighting peaks of powerful chubbiness “Bill Kilgore” on the flipside is a cool, static, monotone, post trance, epic track which slowly builds up to a 10 minute hypnotic tracker! In addition we also bring you a late night digital bonus dub mix by Dominik Eulberg.
Release date: 02 February 2009