Extrawelt is back on TRAUM!
Needless to say the original of "Doch Doch" is one of the most influential trax in German techno history ever made.
For a lot of clubbers that track is a religious experience! For more than 10 years now it has been a cultural phenomenon.
It intensified emotions and it certainly cemented communities of old school and new school ravers at the same time.
This was also a reason why it was so difficult to get remixers in the past… nobody wanted to touch the track.
The simplicity of the track where silence is as important as the notes played also does not make it easier for a remixer.
Boomkat at the time said: „Doch Doch is simply put, MASSIVE!!! Ultra-heavy driving, classic techno-meets-dubstep beelines, incredible sound design and production and an erupting melody, all together generating a hugely powerful rocker for the dance floor. Flip-side „Last Past“ is an electroid rhythm box track, a dark, night crawler, made for the hours where the party can be massaged by impulses as far from melodies as it can get - just beats and stabs and howling dry sounds, low and fierce.“
Now we were lucky Extrawelt have dug out Harald Björk’s unreleased remix from 2007. Why we could not release it then totally escaped our memory, because it is a good remix. Certainly paying tribute to the time then when not everything was sounding fat and bassy.
Swedish artist Harald Björk started releasing music around 2006 as a youngster living life in Berlin with his buddy Petter (Border Community / Studio Barnhus). We released with him at an really early stage in 2007. His "Brus " (Traum 083) EP fitting very well to our label profile and in fact was released just one year after we signed Extrawelt’s "Doch Doch".
At that time we did not know Sven Väth played Harald’s early release on Traum which obviously lead to a release on a Cocoon compilation and later to his release in 2020.
This remix release here now includes a remix for Extrawelt done in 2007 which is unreleased and an 2020 version which ich very different to the early remix.
You will realized the 2007 remix captures the energy of "Doch Doch" with a „hands on“ feeling whereas the 2020 reflects his state of the art productionwise.
Release Date:
03. July 2020