Adam Tauber - Firefly - Traum V259

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We welcome Adam Tauber on TRAUM!

Adam Tauber can look back on a stunning DJ career with residencies in Ibiza’s Space and Pascha over a longer period in the 90ies and these assimilated emotional moments brought him back on the stage of electronic music. As he said so himself „If you know you have the skill to feel and write music then that itches you do give it another try and that is what I am doing right now: a restart“.

In 2003 he was forced to stop his career to avoid a loss of hearing due to a brutal tinnitus. A couple of years later he founded the project ZEITREISE music with his friend. Using the then still new technique "Live Multi-Track Remixing" they played live in German clubs and wowed the crowd with their idiosyncratic sound. In 2017 they stopped ZEITREISE music, because Adam's friend became a father.

From his early residency in on of the most noted techno clubs in Germany the Poison Club in Düsseldorf to representing Germany at the Nelson Mandela Aids benefit festival where he played in front of 100.000 people together with Laurent Garnier, Faithless etc. he still is very passionate when he can connect music with people dancing.

Adam Tauber writes minimalistic music with a lot of hidden detail. His love for sublime sound design gives extra life to his tracks, which makes the big difference. The remixers, many of Tour De Traum fame, instantly fell in love with "Sad Space" resulting in 5 remixes.

The track "Sad Space" reflects on the time during lockdown and carries a melancholic note putting it next to a labels such as Life and Death / Afterlife. Whereas his track „Firefly" breaks into 2021 with a lot of positive energy and gives us goose-skin every time we listen to it.

The more classic techno track "Tel Aviv" is more of a DJ weapon with a ghostly post Detroit flair. All here seems to work with a focus on the „night time“ sensitiveness!

Release Date:                                                              05. November 2021