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After a full year of dedicated work we are happy to announce that Dominik Eulberg's fourth album
"Diorma" will be released in May 2011 on TRAUM.
After the "Heimische Gefilde" album on TRAUM, which won the German critic award, as the first techno
album ever where comments by the artist himself appeared in spoken word, Eulberg has this time aimed at
an album which embodies various facet's of electronic music.
"Diorama" therefore resembles something totally new and original and can be referred to as an affiliation
towards the real "authentic" Eulberg sound cosmos.
He has accomplished this with the highest possible standard and contemporary sound aesthetic.
Eulberg has set the bar at an extreme height for himself and the result will pile-drive even the die hard fans
into solid rocky soil.
Eulberg has unbuttoned his "techno coat" and has come up with timeless electronica, no one would have
expected of him.
It is his first album where he has rather played music instead of manipulating it and holds up that skill from
the very beginning to the very end, non stop.
For "Diorama" Dominik Eulberg has selected in cooperation with Germanys nature magazine NABU the
eleven greatest wonders of domestic nature.
Because it is not only in exotic parts of the world that one can find incredible innovations of nature, they can
also be found at your front door.
Their existence is concealed for many of us and only by means of closer examination and an raised
awareness for their secrets can we discover this world full of miracles.
For this world of hidden wonders a graphic diorama was specially designed. Depicting a well known world
full of unknown phenomena.
For each wonder Dominik Eulberg has composed a piece of music, which reflects with sound and dynamic
the accounted wonder.
In addition he describes the eleven phenomena in a traditional way on the inside of the CD cover.
Release date: 9th May 2011